
Computer Modeling...Programing

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Personal Résumé in PDF Format

The Art of Computer Modeling has become an intregal part of producing structural engineering designs. The intregation with production software such as "Revit" has created a revolution in pairing design and production leading to margins of new technical advantages never before seen.


The New Sheriff Office Building is Part of Municipal Complex which enjoyed ...

...the use of extensive computer modeling and complete linking with "Revit" by AutoDesk. The integration of Light-Gauge metal framing with structural "Red-Iron" steel allowed for the design of the roof structure which required non-combustible construction.

I had the task of managing, supervising and executing the development of these software integration programs to expedite the design and the delivery to the client for bidding and ultimately for construction.


To Answer The Need For "Accuracy, Quick Design, Production and Delivery" Interactive Software were Developed...

Computer Model of Existing Framing...


The use of Microsoft Excel with its Visual Basic interfacing programing has added new tools to develop expeditious designs as never before...


Essence in the Use of Interactive Software...

In today's market accuracy and quick design returns are a vital part of consulting engineering. There are tools available to enhance a design activity with remarkable success. The answer rests with the use of computer modeling and interactive programs that enhances both design and production. The "what if's..." are answered with accuracy and the mundane large portions of the fee's efforts are considerably reduced shifting the difference to creative work and the establishment of innovative processes...enhancing our opportunities for competing in the market.


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Copyright 2015 Gene Farach, PE. All Rights Reserved.